October 2 – 4, 2025
/// Clermont-Ferrand
/// Rodez
/// Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer

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This program is provisional and therefore subject to change.



<p>Thursday October 2</p>

STAGE N°1: 150 km

> 9 a.m.: Reception of participants and administrative
checks in CLERMONT-FERRAND (Dept. 63)
> 11:30 a.m.: Briefing
> 12 p.m.:Lunch in CLERMONT-FERRAND
> 2 p.m.:Puy de Bessolles Le Mont-Dore,
Puy de Sancy, Puy de Dôme
> 8 p.m.: Dinner and night in CLERMONT-FERRAND
Hôtel Grand Mess

<p>Friday October 3</p>

STAGE N°2: 295 km

> 9am: Auvergne Volcanoes Natural Park, Puy Mary
> 12pm: Lunch in a buron in Aveyron
Jordanne Valley, Laguiole
> 8pm: Dinner and overnight stay at the Causse Comtal hotel in RODEZ
Causse Comtal Hotel

<p>Saturday October 4</p>

STAGE N°3: 280 km

> 9am: Grands Causses Natural Park,
Gorges du Tarn
> 12pm: Lunch in the Cévennes
Corniche des Cévennes, Mont-Aigoual,
Camargue Natural Park
> 8pm: Reception dinner and night in the Camargue
Hôtel Les Bains Gardians in SAINTES-MARIES-DE-LA-MER


<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>From October 2 to 4, 2025, in partnership with the manufacturer ALPINE,</strong> we invite you to participate in the <strong>7th ALPINE RALLY</strong>, which will take place on roads particularly suited to berlinettas, from the volcanoes of Auvergne to the Camargue. <strong>This rally is a leisure event, open to all owners of </strong><strong>Alpines from 1955 to 2025,</strong> which is intended to be friendly, without competition and without any special preparation of <strong>your car.</strong></p>

After the first editions of this event in Corsica, in Provence, through the Pyrenees and the Alps, we invite you to discover again some of the most beautiful regions of France, by connecting Clermont-Ferrand to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

So meet in the heart of Auvergne on the morning of Thursday October 2, to immediately discover the large volcanoes around the Puy de Dôme and crisscross mountain roads that will delight your Alpine, to attack the Mont-Dore and the Puy de Sancy.

The next day, head south and the Volcanoes National Park to Puy Mary. Aveyron will then be our playground. Its terroir, its traditions, its gastronomy, the Laguiole knives… but above all its routes taken by the Rallye du Rouergue will punctuate this day, up to the Northof Rodez for the evening stage in the Grands Causses natural park.

The last day of the road book will be the occasion for two legendary passages through the Tarn gorges then overlooking the Cévennes cornice.
A true rallying ground, with its Critérium, the Cévennes reserve you a welcome from motorsport enthusiasts and in particular the exploits of the Alpines at the time.
Finally, the Camargue, which contrasts with the rest of the route, will be the scene of an prize-giving evening close to nature and the Mediterranean.

Professionalism of the organization and availability of the management teams, quality of accommodation and meals, baggage service and mechanical assistance are a permanent requirement for RALLYSTORY for over 30 years.
This 6th ALPINE RALLY will not escape the rule with always the same concern to offer you a great moment of conviviality and automotive passion.

The good addresses of the rally


The route through the Auvergne Volcanoes Natural Park is a true journey through time and geology, offering a multitude of incredible panoramas. Starting from Clermont-Ferrand, the road winds around dormant volcanoes, such as the Puy de Dôme and the Puy de Sancy, the highest peak in the Massif Central, which offers majestic landscapes.


The Grands Causses region is an immersion in the heart of unspoiled nature, ideal for lovers of wide open spaces. A visit to Laguiole allows you to discover local craftsmanship, famous for its exceptional knives, a symbol of know-how and tradition. The essential aligot will delight gourmets.


The Tarn Gorges road is a little marvel. It allows you to follow the river closely all along its course. We are sometimes up high, sometimes on the bank. The road alone is a beautiful attraction and a real technical feat.


Jouxtant le Parc Régional Naturel de la Camargue, Les Bains Gardians s’étendent sur un domaine de 4 hectares, entre les paysages caractéristiques de cette région sauvage et le bleu infini de la mer Méditerranée située à quelques centaines de mètres. Un resort en pleine nature avec chevaux, écuries, piscines, tennis, et mêmes arènes privées.

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Impeccable behavior on the road will be required of participants.
The roads are open to traffic, the Highway Code must therefore be scrupulously respected and the attitude of participants towards other users or participants must be exemplary. Those who do not come in this spirit are not welcome and risk being excluded from this meeting reserved for enthusiasts.



The ALPINE RALLY is strictly reserved for road vehicles of the ALPINE brand, whatever their models or years of construction.
List of eligible models: A106, A108, A110, A310 and its evolutions, A610, new generation A110, A290.
Years of production: 1955 to 2025.
Limited number of vehicles.
The selection committee reserves the right to refuse any vehicle.
Vehicles must comply in all respects with the Highway Code.
Participants must ensure that their car is in good general condition, in particular the tires, lighting, battery mounting and seat belts (if required by law). A warning triangle and a high-visibility jacket are mandatory; a fire extinguisher is also recommended. Compliance with the highway code of vehicles is the responsibility of the participants. The organization will not carry out any technical, insurance or administrative checks on the vehicles and the driving skills of the participants.
No change of registered participating vehicle is possible without prior authorization from RALLYSTORY.


Three stages in 3 days are on the program, or approximately 725 km of rally routes.
Participants must respect the road-book itinerary, without speed or average constraints. To do this, they have their score sheet stamped at the various Passage Controls (CP) whose locations are kept secret. We remind you that since the event takes place on open, non-neutralized roads, participants must strictly comply with the Highway Code. Information on safety instructions is included in the road-book given to participants.


The ALPINE RALLY does not have a ranking. The prize-giving ceremony is intended to be friendly and based on non-competitive criteria. All participants not penalized at the end of the rally are awarded the ALPINE RALLY prize symbolized by a cup.
At no time does any notion of speed, average or time allowed on the road intervene in the ranking.
As the ALPINE RALLY takes place under the sign of conviviality, no complaints will be accepted.


Teams of professional mechanics and broom vehicles are available to participants to assist them throughout the route and at the stages. Most breakdowns are repaired by our mechanics. We recommend that you have a small set of spare parts on board your vehicle such as belts, spark plugs, brake pads, fuel pump, etc. they may prove very useful.
Finally, check with your insurer that your contract provides for towing assistance (which is generally the case) in the event of a breakdown that cannot be repaired by our teams.


For their comfort, participants who wish to do so can entrust their luggage to the organization that will transport them from the departure point in Collioure to the hotel on Thursday and from hotel to hotel on the following days. Luggage is delivered and collected at the reception of each hotel. Do not forget to affix the labels provided by the organization.


Every night, the parks are guarded by professional security teams. Either by private security guards or by hotel guards.


A chaque étape, un soin particulier est porté à l’hébergement afin de garantir le meilleur confort et la plus grande convivialité à tous les participants.

CLERMONT-FERRAND: hôtels 3 étoiles GRAND MESSE www.hotelmontblanc.com 

RODEZ : hôtel 4 étoiles CAUSSE COMTAL


L’hébergement en chambres single est possible, avec supplément, dans la limite des disponibilités.


The entry fee of €4,450 (€1,950 deposit on entry and €2,500 balance on departure) includes for a crew of two people
and their vehicle: logistical support, 3 nights in a room for 2 people with breakfast, 6 meals with drinks from lunch on October 2 to dinner on October 4, rally equipment (aluminum plates, door numbers,
road book, etc.), park guarding, luggage transport, mechanical assistance, towing assistance, gifts, etc.
Entry fee per crew: €4,450
Supplement for 2 single rooms: €850
* The registration of additional people is subject to the prior registration of a competing crew.
No entry will be confirmed without a deposit.
In case of cancellation on your part after September 2, 2025, the deposit will not be refunded.


September 12, 2025, and then on a waiting list within the limit of available places.
!!! Limited number of places.

Since the number of requests for registration exceeds the number of places available, we recommend that you return your complete registration file to us very quickly, with confirmations being made in order of arrival of the bulletins.


L’ALPINE RALLY est une manifestation de loisir ayant pour but de rassembler des propriétaires de véhicules de collection ou d’exception, en dehors de toute notion de sport, de vitesse, de compétition ou de course.
Les propriétaires des véhicules engagés font leur  affaire personnelle de l’assurance automobile  responsabilité civile vis-à-vis des tiers et de l‘assurance des dommages pouvant être subis par leurs véhicules. Il leur est recommandé de vérifier l’étendue de leurs garanties auprès de leur assureur avant l’épreuve.
Les véhicules circulant sur route doivent être conformes au Code de la route et notamment être munis d’un certificat d’immatriculation, d’un certificat de contrôle technique (si requis) en vigueur et d’un  certificat d’assurance valable.
Les participants renoncent à engager la responsabilité de RALLYSTORY à quelque titre que ce soit, sauf en cas de faute lourde. Le contrat conclu entre les participants et l’organisateur, sur la base de
la version en français, est régi par la loi française. Tout litige qu’il pourrait susciter sera soumis à la  compétence des tribunaux de Paris.


Participation in the ALPINE RALLY does not require a driver’s license, vehicle homologation or specific insurance. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.